Childhood, Culture and Society

Childhood, Culture and Society

In a Global Context

Wyness, Michael

Sage Publications Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1 | Innocence
Chapter 2 | Dependence
Chapter 3 | The A-social Child
Chapter 4 | Future Orientation
Chapter 5 | Developmentalism
Chapter 6 | Socialisation
Chapter 7 | Peer Groups
Chapter 8 | Social Construction
Chapter 9 | Agency
Chapter 10 | Generation
Chapter 11 | Globalisation
Chapter 12 | Rights
Chapter 13 | Participation
Chapter 14 | Protection
Chapter 15 | Schooling
Thematic Introduction A | Politics of a Global Childhood
Chapter 16 | Children as Global Subjects
Chapter 17 | Children and International Aid
Chapter 18 | Children and Military Conflict: Agency, Resilience and Culpability
Chapter 19 | Child Migration, Mediation and Intergenerational Relations
Chapter 20 | Children and the Political Realm
Thematic Introduction B | Children, Childhood and Diversity
Chapter 21 | Children and their Work
Chapter 22 | Children and Digital Technology
Chapter 23 | Children and Identity Formation
Chapter 24 | Children's Use of Space
Thematic Introduction C | Growing Up
Chapter 25 | Children and their Families
Chapter 26 | Children, Schooling and Social Inequality
Chapter 27 | Children and Play
Chapter 28 | Children, Popular Culture and Leisure
Chapter 29 | Children and their Bodies
Thematic Introduction D | Children and Adversity
Chapter 30 | Children and Poverty
Chapter 31 | Children and HIV/AIDS
Chapter 32 | Child Maltreatment, Vulnerability and Trafficking
Chapter 33 | Children and Economic Exploitation
Chapter 34 | Children and Crime
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childhood;sociology;culture;trafficking;migration;migrant;childhood sociology;child sociology