SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics

SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics

Soebbing, Brian P.; Ruseski, Jane E.; Downward, Paul; Frick, Bernd; Pawlowski, Tim; Humphreys, Brad R.

Sage Publications Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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PART I: The nature and value of the sports system and economy
Chapter 1: Introduction - Paul Downward, Bernd Frick, Brad Humphreys, Tim Pawlowski, Jane Ruseski, & Brian Soebbing
Chapter 2: Origins and Developments of Sports Systems - Wladimir Andreff
Chapter 3: The Economic Value of Sport - Themis Kokolakakis, Chris Gratton, & Guenther Grohall
PART II: Amateur sports participation, supply and impact
Chapter 4: Sports Participation - Paul Downward & Christina Muniz
Chapter 5: Sports Participation and Health - Jane E. Ruseski
Chapter 6: Sport and Social Capital Formation - Tim Pawlowski & Ute Schuettoff
Chapter 7: Recent Evidence on the Effects of Physical Activity on Human Capital and Employment - Michael Lechner & Carina Steckenleiter
Chapter 8: Private Household Consumption in Sport - Fernando Lera-Lopez
Chapter 9: Sports Clubs in Europe: Organisation - Christoph Breuer, Philipp Swierzy, & Svenja Feiler
Chapter 10: Volunteering in Sports Clubs and its Impacts - Pamela Wicker
Chapter 11: The Role of Money and Time Donations in the Supply of Amateur Sport - Kirstin Hallmann & Lea Rossi
Chapter 12: The Economics of the National Collegiate Athletic Association - John J. Siegfried & Allen R. Sanderson
PART III: Professional team sports
Chapter 13: Economic Objective Functions in Team Sports: A Retrospective - Rodney Fort
Chapter 14: European Sports Leagues: Origin and Features - Nicolas Scelles & Jean-Francois Brocard
Chapter 15: Competition Policy in Sports Markets - Oliver Budzinski
Chapter 16: Competitive Balance: Measurement and Relevance - Tim Pawlowski & Georgios Nalbantis
Chapter 17: Economics of Attendance - Placido Rodriguez
Chapter 18: Exposure and Television Audience Demand: The case of English Premier League Football - Babatunde Buraimo
Chapter 19: Ticket Pricing - Brian P. Soebbing
Chapter 20: Secondary Ticket Markets for Sport Events - Pascal Courty
Chapter 21: The Economics of the Transfer Market - Stefan Kesenne
Chapter 22: Team Production and Efficiency in Sports - Mikael Jamil
Chapter 23: Officials and Home Advantage - James Reade
Chapter 24: Franchise Relocation and Stadium Subsidies - Dennis Coates
PART IV: Professional sports leagues
Chapter 25: The Economics of Professional Soccer - Daniel Weimar
Chapter 26: Cricket - Ian Gregory-Smith, David Paton, & Abhinav Sacheti
Chapter 27: Rugby Union's Late Conversion to Professionalism: An Economic Perspective - Pat Massey
Chapter 28: "The Answer" and the Economics of Basketball: Perceptions vs. Production - Dave Berri
Chapter 29: Economics and the National Football League - Benjamin Blemings
Chapter 30: The Baseball Players' Labor Market: An Update - Anthony C. Krautmann
Chapter 31: Economic Issues of the National Hockey League: A Survey of the Literature - Duane W. Rockerbie & Stephan T. Easton
Chapter 32: Australian Rules Football - Ross Booth & Robert Brooks
Chapter 33: The Economics of Major League Soccer from the NASL to MLS: A brief history of North American professional soccer - Nick Watanabe
PART V: Sports events and their impacts
Chapter 34: The Economic Impact Measurement of Olympic Games - Holger Preuss
Chapter 35: Major Events: Economic Impact - Wolfgang Maennig
Chapter 36: Olympic Games: Public referenda, public opinion and willingness to pay - Wolfgang Maennig
Chapter 37: Olympic Performance - Eva Marikova Leeds
Chapter 38: The Economics of Mega-Events: The impact, costs, and benefits of the Olympic Games and the World Cup - Candon Johnson
Chapter 39: Economic Impact of Minor Sporting Events and Minor League Teams - Marijke Taks & Nola Agha
Chapter 40: Participation and demonstration effects: "Couch potatoes to runner beans"? - Peter Dawson
Chapter 41: Willingness to pay in sports - Johannes Orlowski & Pamela Wicker
Chapter 42: Positive and negative externalities of sport events: From well-being, pride, and social capital to traffic and crime - Pamela Wicker & Paul Downward
PART VI: Individual sports
Chapter 43: Running - Bernd Frick, Katharina Moser, & Katrin Scharfenkamp
Chapter 44: Hitting the ball forward. The economics of racquet sports. - Julio del Corral & Carlos Gomez-Gonzalez
Chapter 45: The Economics of Road Cycling - Daam van Reeth
Chapter 46: The Economics of Golf - Stephen Shmanske
Chapter 47: IRON(O)MICS: The Market for Long Distance-Triathlon - Joachim Prinz
Chapter 48: NASCAR Economics - Peter Von Allmen
PART VII: Future research
Chapter 49: Behavioural Economics and Sport - Yulia Chikish & Brad R. Humphreys
Chapter 50: Is There a Gender Difference in the Response to Competitive Settings? - Michael A. Leeds
Chapter 51: Dynamic Pricing in Sports - Rodney J. Paul
Chapter 52: Sports Betting - David Forrest
Chapter 53: The Economics of Doping in Sports - A Special Case of Corruption - Eugen Dimant & Christian Deutscher
Chapter 54: Performance Analysis - Bill Gerrard
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Sports economics;Sports economy;Sports management;Sport studies;Sports system;Sports markets;Economics of doping;Economics of events;Professional team sports;Professional sports leagues